Custom questions

<input type="text" cf-questions="Type your name here..." />

Use two pipe characters as seperator if you want to randomize the questions as used in the example below.

<form id="form" cf-form>
    <input type="text" cf-questions="This text is from the attribute cf-questions (1/2)||This text is from the attribute cf-questions (2/2)" />

Example - randomly selecting between two questions

See the Pen Conversational Forms - Randomly selecting between two questions by SPACE10 (@space10) on CodePen.

{One way value-binding} with cf-questions

For cui-questions, add {previous-answer} to insert the value from the previous user-answer, you are also able to reference the input ID.

Using the {previous-answer} mapping:

<input type="text" cf-questions="What is your firstname?" />
<input type="text" cf-questions="Hello {previous-answer}, what is your lastname?">

Using the ID attribute, this will loop through all submitted tags and map:

<input type="text" cf-questions="What is your first name?" id="firstname" />
<input type="text" cf-questions="What is your last name?" id="lastname" />
<input type="text" cf-questions="Hi {firstname} {lastname}, please tell me your email?" />

previous input could be a select:option list with countries.

<input type="text" cf-questions="So you want to travel to {previous-answer}" />

Example - {One way value-binding}

See the Pen Conversational Forms - One way value-binding by SPACE10 (@space10) on CodePen.